Thursday, January 27, 2011

K.I.S.S. (keep it simple, sister!)

I have thoughts of an inspiring message but just not up for it today so this is one of those random thoughts kind of days -
I'm a simple girl. I like simple things.

Fancy-Schmancy Coffee Maker

 I'm glad my fancy-schmacy "expensive" coffee maker (that I got for $25 at Goodwill) broke
Gramma's Percolator

 because I'm loving using the stove-top percolator that used to be my gramma's

I like sitting on the couch next to all my yarn and knitting while Allen watches a football or baseball game (basketball does nothing for me, sorry Deb)

Stitch Markers

 I like the simple stitch markers I've been making and giving away

Knitting Books
 I like reading books about knitting in other cultures and simpler times

I like talking about knitting with other knitters and non-knitters
I like that one such conversation last week now has a co-worker (a non-knitter) day dreaming about buying a farm and raising sheep!!
I like that I have a friend who raises alpaca

Alpaca Socks

 I really like that he gave me a pair of alpaca socks yesterday!

I like that there are some people who read my blog and "get it" :-)

    May God Bless Your Stitches,

    1 comment:

    1. I found you on thrifty knitters (ravelry) and now must read the archives. I get it!
