Thursday, September 16, 2010

Way too busy to be called the lazy, hazy days of summer

It seems like such a blur.  This summer has been jam-packed mostly with kid fact aside from one ministry outing, it's been ALL kid stuff!!  And none of it has been the kind where I can bring along my bag of yarn and feel like I'm accomplishing something.  No, it's just drive and drop, drive and drop, drive and drop.  I am now thankful for the school year and things have slowed down!  All summer my only real knitting time was on Sunday afternoons, sitting in the back yard with Allen.  A couple hours at best before the bugs get to be too much.  Apparently they like me a lot more than him.  I hadn't managed to complete a single thing in weeks.  I did start working on the new technique for the Christmas projects then realized 90 degrees and humid in the back yard was not a good combination for wool-type projects so that got put on hold.

The purple anklets are still not finished.  Again, no enthusiasm for wool but mainly because even though I followed the directions to the letter, they came out too small.  I bound them off but didn't cut the yarn, tried them on and felt like they would slip right off my foot if I put on a shoe.  I was just about to hand them off to Sydney when I thought, "maybe if I make a little bit of a leg on them they'd stay on me." So I continued another 1/2 inch of garter stitch.  They felt a little less skimpy but way too baggy around the ankle.  Maybe a bit of ribbing would help?  Another 1/2 inch into that, yes it did help but i'm not sure i like the look of it.  So they sat, still unfinished, taking up valuable needle space until last weekend when I pulled it all out to the cuff and put them on waste yarn to free the needles.

There's also a baby blanket of my own design about a third of the way done.  It was moving along pretty well even though I was getting a bit bored of the seemingly endless stockinette stitch...but since it's my own design, I have no one to blame! This also may see the winder before long, I've been searching for a more interesting pattern that might actually get finished before mid October.

I do want to show the arm-warmers I made for a sweet young lady at church.

Cables on the tops
Lacey hearts on the bottom

And for a certain relative who's just dying to know what I'm making for Christmas. . .this is all you get Deb ;-)

May God bless your stitches,